Custom polyurethane inserts for stillages
The Bluestar manufacturing facility has a department dedicated to Polyurethane (PU) moulding.
Polyurethane is a class of polymers which is produced using a variety of chemicals. This unique makeup means that PU is an incredibly versatile material used in a range of applications from steering wheels to shoe soles and clothing to stillage inserts.
This gives businesses the ability to move away from using unoptimised, standard stillages and allows for storing the highest number of products or parts with high storage density.
I've collaborated with Bluestar on several transport and storage solutions, the design prototypes are exceptional.
Trusted by companies all across the UK
Why should I use a PU dunnage insert?
Polyurethane is the perfect moulding material for the secure storage of larger components in stillages and industrial pallets.
The PU mouldings are durable and show resistance to impact, cutting and marking. These characteristic benefits all play their part in enhancing transportation and storage processes within manufacturing environments.
Benefits of using a polyurethane dunnage
Polyurethane is the perfect moulding material for the secure storage of larger components in stillages and industrial pallets.
The PU mouldings are durable and show resistance to impact, cutting and marking. These characteristic benefits all play their part in enhancing transportation and storage processes within manufacturing environments.
Read our case studies
Here, we showcase how businesses from diverse industries have leveraged our services to achieve remarkable production results.
Focusing on maximising transportation space, we created a 3D model of a large articulated lorry loaded with our fully custom stillages.
This showed JCB how our products help to increase the amount of room in a lorry and how to help reduce the number of trips needed to carry the same amount of parts.
We work on providing cutting edge transport and storage solutions for automotive giants McLaren.
Taking advantage of our polyurethane moulding and insert department, McLaren specify a variety of different measurements via thorough designs.
We take these and provide a fully bespoke output featuring the highest-quality materials and levels of production.
Lotus supplied us with CAD data for parts to be stored in one of our bespoke stillages. We designed a fully customised solution around the CAD drawings.
Taking this brief, we’ve completed thorough drawings and designed how the stillage will look.
With prototypes provided and approval secured, the bespoke stillages have revolutionised both transport and storage for Lotus.
Lotus supplied us with CAD data for parts to be stored in one of our bespoke stillages. We designed a fully customised solution around the CAD drawings.
Taking this brief, we’ve completed thorough drawings and designed how the stillage will look.
With prototypes provided and approval secured, the bespoke stillages have revolutionised both transport and storage for Lotus.
Our Services
CAD Design
CAD software allows our stillages to meet every characteristic of a project’s requirement, every time.
3D Printing and Modeling
3D printing of product inserts and product pieces help stillage manufacturers to reduce lead times of their shipments with quick turnarounds of prototypes.
Polyurethane Mouldings
Eliminating elements of risk for valuable or fragile parts, having PU fitted inside the stillage is a perfect way to minimise movement of your parts during transportation.
PVC Inserts
Using PVC dunnage inserts for custom-designed dividers and compartments can help to further maximise the benefits of using stillages.
We craft each bespoke stillage and post pallet with precision to accommodate your unique storage requirements. This removes wasted space and improves your storage.
When we refer to our stillages, what is the meaning of a Bluestar Stillage? Stillages are
strong storage and transport solutions.
When it comes to efficient storage and transportation solutions, stillages stand as a silent backbone of many industries.